Cara Menyambungkan Lampu Strip LED (Termasuk Diagram Pengkabelan)

Menghubungkan kabel lampu strip LED dapat terlihat menakutkan. Namun, dengan panduan yang tepat, ini adalah proses yang sederhana. Hal ini dapat mempercantik ruang Anda dengan indah. Panduan ini ditujukan bagi penggemar DIY, pemilik rumah yang ingin menambah suasana, dan teknisi listrik yang sedang mengerjakan proyek baru. Panduan ini akan menyederhanakan pemasangan kabel untuk Anda.

Untuk menyambungkan kabel lampu strip LED, mulailah dengan mengidentifikasi jenis strip (warna tunggal, RGB, atau RGBW). Hubungkan kabel positif dan negatif ke terminal yang sesuai pada catu daya atau pengontrol Anda. Untuk strip RGB, cocokkan warnanya (merah, hijau, biru) ke terminal yang sesuai. Pastikan semua koneksi aman dan ikuti diagram pengkabelan yang disertakan untuk mendapatkan instruksi yang tepat.

Mari kita selami detail pengkabelan berbagai jenis lampu strip LED. Hal ini akan memastikan Anda memiliki pengetahuan dan kepercayaan diri untuk melakukannya dengan benar.

Daftar Isi

Memahami Koneksi Paralel: Sederhana

Koneksi paralel sangat penting dalam pencahayaan strip LED. Setiap segmen strip dihubungkan secara seri, yang berarti tegangan operasi dijumlahkan, memberikan tegangan yang lebih tinggi yang diperlukan. Semua segmen dihubungkan secara paralel, menerima tegangan yang sama, tetapi penarikan arus meningkat seiring dengan panjang strip. Gunakan koneksi paralel. Koneksi ini memastikan bahwa setiap segmen strip mendapatkan tegangan yang stabil. Hal ini menghentikan masalah seperti kecerahan yang tidak merata atau kedipan. Pengaturan ini adalah kunci untuk penggunaan strip LED yang panjang. Ini menjaga cahaya tetap stabil dan merata. Memahami dasar-dasar pengkabelan paralel dapat sangat meningkatkan efektivitas dan keandalan instalasi pencahayaan LED Anda.

Strip LED Dalam Koneksi Serial
Strip LED Dalam Koneksi Paralel
Strip LED dan Kedua Koneksi Ujung

Penurunan Tegangan: Penjelasan Sederhana

Penurunan tegangan terjadi apabila tegangan di ujung strip lebih rendah daripada di awal. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan LED di bagian ujung menjadi lebih redup. Untuk mengurangi penurunan tegangan, gunakan kabel yang lebih tebal, atau strip yang lebih pendek, atau menyuntikkan daya pada beberapa titik di sepanjang strip. Sangat penting untuk merencanakan instalasi Anda dengan hati-hati untuk meminimalkan penurunan tegangan, terutama dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama. Salah satu metode yang baik adalah dengan menggunakan penguat daya atau amplifier. Gunakan secara berkala. Mereka membantu mempertahankan tegangan yang stabil di seluruh strip. Selain itu, memilih catu daya yang lebih baik dengan kapasitas yang cukup juga dapat mengurangi risiko penurunan tegangan. Dengan memahami dan memperbaiki penurunan tegangan, Anda dapat memastikan bahwa lampu strip LED Anda bekerja dengan baik. Mereka akan memberikan cahaya yang merata di seluruh instalasi.

Penguat PWM: Mengubah Kompleks Menjadi Sederhana

Penguat Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) meningkatkan sinyal ke strip LED, memungkinkan kecerahan yang konsisten di seluruh strip yang panjang. Hal ini memastikan bahwa sinyal daya tetap kuat, mencegah peredupan atau kedipan. Amplifier PWM berguna dalam instalasi besar. Mereka menjaga keseragaman output cahaya, yang sangat penting. Amplifier ini meregenerasi sinyal PWM. Mereka memperluas jangkauan efektif strip LED Anda. Hal ini memastikan bahwa setiap bagian mendapatkan tegangan dan arus yang tepat. Menginstal amplifier PWM itu sederhana. Anda dapat menambahkannya ke pengaturan Anda. Menempatkan dan mengaturnya dengan benar, amplifier PWM dapat sangat meningkatkan pencahayaan strip LED. Mereka dapat meningkatkan kinerja dan umur panjang.

Jenis-jenis Lampu Strip LED

Lampu strip LED tersedia dalam berbagai jenis, termasuk warna tunggal, RGB (Merah, Hijau, Biru), RGBW (Merah, Hijau, Biru, Putih), dan putih yang dapat disetel. Setiap jenis memerlukan kabel dan pengendali yang berbeda. Strip warna tunggal adalah yang paling sederhana, hanya dengan dua kabel untuk koneksi positif dan negatif. Strip RGB menambahkan tiga saluran warna, membutuhkan pengontrol untuk mencampur warna. Strip RGBW menyertakan saluran putih tambahan untuk opsi pencahayaan yang lebih bernuansa. Strip putih yang dapat disetel memungkinkan penyesuaian suhu warna, menawarkan rentang cahaya putih dari hangat hingga dingin. Mengetahui perbedaan antara jenis strip LED ini dapat membantu Anda memilih produk yang tepat untuk kebutuhan Anda. Hal ini juga akan memastikan pengaturan dan penggunaan yang tepat.

Cara Menyambungkan Lampu Strip LED Warna Tunggal

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED Warna Tunggal dengan Driver LED Non-Dimmable

Untuk driver LED yang tidak dapat diredupkan, sambungkan kabel positif strip ke terminal positif driver. Kemudian, sambungkan kabel negatif strip ke terminal negatif driver. Amankan semua koneksi dan nyalakan. Metode pengkabelan sederhana ini sangat bagus untuk instalasi dasar. Mereka tidak memerlukan peredupan. Driver yang tidak dapat diredupkan memberikan output yang konstan. Hal ini memastikan bahwa strip LED Anda bersinar dalam kondisi terbaiknya. Saat memasang kabel beberapa strip, penting untuk memastikan bahwa watt total tidak melebihi kapasitas driver. Mengamankan semua koneksi adalah kuncinya. Ikuti petunjuk dari produsen. Hal ini akan mencegah masalah kelistrikan dan memastikan pemasangan yang aman dan andal.

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED Warna Tunggal dengan Driver LED yang Dapat Dimatikans

Driver LED yang dapat diredupkan memungkinkan Anda menyesuaikan kecerahan. Hubungkan strip ke driver seperti yang dijelaskan di atas. Ikuti diagram pengkabelan khusus untuk jenis peredup Anda:

Diagram Koneksi Driver LED Dimmable 0-10V

Driver 0-10V yang dapat diredupkan menggunakan sinyal kontrol tegangan rendah untuk menyesuaikan kecerahan. Hubungkan peredup 0-10V ke terminal kontrol driver, untuk memastikan polaritas yang benar. Pengaturan ini memungkinkan peredupan yang mulus di seluruh rentang.

Diagram Sambungan Kabel LED Strip Warna Tunggal 0-10V

Triac Dimmable LED Driver Connection Diagram

Triac dimmers work with AC phase-cut dimming. Connect the driver to a compatible triac dimmer switch, ensuring that the driver’s input matches the dimmer’s output. This method provides a familiar dimming experience similar to traditional incandescent bulbs.

Single Color LED Strip TRIAC Connection Wiring Diagram

DALI Dimmable LED Driver Connection Diagram

DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) dimmers offer precise control and programmability. Connect the DALI control lines to the driver’s DALI input terminals. This setup is ideal for complex lighting systems requiring advanced control features.

Single Color LED Strip DALI Connection Wiring Diagram

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED Warna Tunggal dengan Pengontrol LED

LED controllers provide more flexibility in controlling the lights. Connect the strip to the controller. Make sure the positive and negative wires match the controller’s terminals. Controllers allow for various effects, such as dimming, flashing, and custom lighting patterns. Ensure that the controller is compatible with your LED strip and power supply. Securing the connections properly is key. Following the manufacturer’s guidelines will ensure reliable operation and prevent potential issues.

Without PWM amplifier

Single Color LED Strip RF Dimming Controller Connection Diagram Without Power Amplifier

With PWM amplifier

Single Color LED Strip Controller Connection Diagram With Power Amplifier

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED Warna Tunggal dengan Dekoder DMX512

DMX512 decoders are used for advanced lighting setups. Connect the strip to the decoder, matching the positive and negative wires to the correct terminals. DMX512 is a digital communication protocol. It is used for lighting control and provides precise control over many channels. This setup is common in stage lighting. It is also used in architectural lighting and other pro applications. Ensure the DMX512 decoder is set up right. Connect it to the DMX controller for best performance.

Single Color LED Strip DMX512 Decoder Connection Power Diagram

Cara Menyambungkan Lampu Strip LED Putih yang Dapat Disetel

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED Putih yang Dapat Disetel dengan Driver LED yang Dapat Diredupkan

Tunable white LED strips allow for color temperature adjustments. Connect the wires as per the driver’s instructions, ensuring proper connections for both color temperature and brightness control. Tunable white strips typically have additional control lines for adjusting the color temperature. These strips can transition from warm white to cool white, providing versatile lighting options. Ensure that your dimmable LED driver is compatible with tunable white strips and that all connections are secure for reliable operation.

DALI DT8 Tunable White LED Driver

DALI DT8 drivers are used for precise control of tunable white strips. Follow the wiring diagram provided by the manufacturer. DALI DT8 drivers support tunable white LED strips. They allow independent control of brightness and color temperature. This advanced control capability is ideal for applications requiring dynamic lighting environments. Properly wiring and configuring the DALI DT8 driver ensures smooth operation and optimal performance of your tunable white LED strips.

Tunable White DT8 DALI Connection Wiring Diagram

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED Putih yang Dapat Disetel dengan Pengontrol LED

Connect the tunable white strip to the controller, matching the positive and negative terminals. Ensure secure connections for reliable operation. LED controllers for tunable white strips allow for precise adjustments in color temperature and brightness. These controllers often come with remote controls or can be integrated into smart home systems for added convenience. Proper installation and configuration of the controller ensure consistent and reliable operation.

Without PWM amplifier

Tunable White CCT Controller Connection Without Power Amplifier Diagram

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED Putih yang Dapat Disetel dengan Dekoder DMX512

Tunable White Controller Connection With Power Amplifier wiring Diagram

Use a DMX512 decoder for tunable white strips in advanced setups. Connect the strip to the decoder, following the wiring diagram for proper installation. DMX512 decoders provide fine control over color temperature and brightness. They are ideal for professional lighting. Ensure that the decoder is correctly connected to the DMX controller and that all connections are secure for optimal performance.

Lampu Strip LED Putih Dua Kabel yang Dapat Disetel

Simpler tunable white strips use two wires for color temperature control. Connect these wires to the appropriate terminals on your controller or driver. This type of tunable white strip typically has a simpler wiring configuration, making it easier to install. However, it may offer fewer control options compared to more advanced tunable white systems. Ensure that your controller or driver is compatible with the two-wire configuration for reliable operation.

2 Wire Tunable White LED Strip Connection Wiring Diagram

Cara Menyambungkan Lampu Strip LED RGB

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED RGB dengan Driver LED yang Dapat Dimatikan

Connect the RGB strip to the dimmable driver, matching the red, green, and blue wires to the corresponding terminals. Use the wiring diagram provided. Dimmable drivers for RGB strips allow you to adjust the brightness of the entire strip. However, color control will require an additional RGB controller. Ensure that all connections are secure and that the driver is compatible with your RGB strip for reliable operation.


For advanced RGB control, use a DALI DT8 driver. Follow the manufacturer’s wiring diagram for precise installation. DALI DT8 drivers provide separate control over each color. This allows for complex lighting and precise color mixing. This advanced control is great for apps that need dynamic lighting. They need lighting that can be customized. Proper installation and setup of the DALI DT8 driver make sure your RGB LED strips work well. They will have the best performance.

RGB LED Strip DALI DT8 Connection Wiring Diagram

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED RGB dengan Pengontrol LED

Connect the RGB strip to the controller, ensuring each color wire is connected to the appropriate

terminal. RGB controllers allow for various lighting effects, such as color changing, flashing, and custom patterns. Ensure that the controller is compatible with your RGB strip and power supply. Properly securing the connections and following the manufacturer’s guidelines will help ensure reliable operation and prevent potential issues.

Without PWM amplifier

RGB LED Strip Controller Connection Without Power Amplifier Wiring Diagram

With PWM amplifier

RGB LED Strip Controller Connection With Power Amplifier Wiring Diagram

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED RGB dengan Dekoder DMX512

Use a DMX512 decoder for RGB strips in complex setups. Follow the wiring diagram to ensure correct installation. DMX512 decoders provide precise control over each color channel, allowing for intricate lighting effects and precise color mixing. This setup is commonly used in professional lighting applications, such as stage lighting and architectural lighting. Make sure the DMX512 decoder is set up right. Connect it to the DMX controller for the best performance.

RGB LED Strip DMX512 Decoder Connection Wiring Diagram

Cara Menyambungkan Lampu Strip LED RGBW

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED RGBW dengan Driver LED yang Dapat Diredupkan

Connect the RGBW strip to the dimmable driver, ensuring all color wires (red, green, blue, white) are connected correctly. Dimmable drivers for RGBW strips allow you to adjust the brightness of the entire strip. However, color control will require an additional RGBW controller. Ensure that all connections are secure and that the driver is compatible with your RGBW strip for reliable operation.


For advanced RGBW control, use a DALI DT8 driver. Follow the manufacturer’s wiring instructions. DALI DT8 drivers provide separate control over each color. This allows for complex lighting effects and precise color mixing. This advanced control is great for applications. They need dynamic and customizable lighting. The DT8 driver must be properly installed and configured. This ensures smooth and optimal performance of your RGBW LED strips.

RGBW LED Strip DALI DT8 Connection Wiring Diagram

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED RGBW dengan Pengontrol LED

Connect the RGBW strip to the controller, matching all color wires to the correct terminals. RGBW controllers allow for various lighting effects, such as color changing, flashing, and custom patterns. Ensure that the controller is compatible with your RGBW strip and power supply. Securing the connections properly and following the manufacturer’s guidelines will help. It will ensure reliable operation and prevent issues.

Without PWM amplifier

RGBW LED Strip Controller Without Power Amplifier Connection Wiring Diagram

With PWM amplifier

RGBW LED Strip Controller With Power Amplifier Connection Wiring Diagram

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED RGBW dengan Dekoder DMX512

Use a DMX512 decoder for RGBW strips in advanced setups. Follow the wiring diagram for proper installation. DMX512 decoders give precise control over each color channel. They allow for complex lighting effects and exact color mixing. This setup is common in professional lighting. It is used for stage and architectural lighting. Make sure the DMX512 decoder is set up and connected to the DMX controller. This is needed for best performance.

RGBW LED Strip DMX512 Decoder Connection Wiring Diagram

Cara Menyambungkan Lampu Strip LED RGB & CCT

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED RGBW dengan Driver LED yang Dapat Diredupkan

Follow the wiring diagram to connect the RGBW strip to a dimmable driver, ensuring all connections are secure. Dimmable drivers for RGBW strips allow you to adjust the brightness of the entire strip. However, color control will require an additional RGBW controller. Ensure that all connections are secure and that the driver is compatible with your RGBW strip for reliable operation.

RGBW LED Strip DALI DT8 Connection Wiring Diagram

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED RGBW dengan Pengontrol LED

Connect the strip to the controller, matching the wires to the appropriate terminals. RGBW controllers allow for various lighting effects, such as color changing, flashing, and custom patterns. Ensure that the controller is compatible with your RGBW strip and power supply. Properly securing the connections and following the manufacturer’s guidelines will help ensure reliable operation and prevent potential issues.

Without PWM amplifier

RGBW LED Strip Controller Without Amplifier Connection Wiring Diagram

With PWM amplifier

RGBW LED Strip Controller With Amplifier Connection Wiring Diagram

Pengkabelan Lampu Strip LED RGBW dengan Dekoder DMX512

Use a DMX512 decoder for complex setups. Follow the wiring diagram to ensure proper installation. DMX512 decoders provide precise control over each color channel. They allow for complex lighting effects and exact color mixing. This setup is commonly used in professional lighting applications, such as stage lighting and architectural lighting. Ensure the DMX512 decoder is properly configured. Connect it to the DMX controller for best performance.

RGB CCT LED Strip DMX512 Decoder Connection Wiring Diagram

Cara Menyambungkan Lampu Strip LED yang Dapat Dialamatkan

Cara Menyambungkan Lampu Strip LED yang Dapat Dialamatkan SPI

Connect the data and power wires of the SPI addressable strip to the controller, following the wiring diagram provided. Addressable LED strips allow for individual control of each LED, enabling complex lighting effects and patterns. Ensure that the controller is compatible with your SPI addressable strip and that all connections are secure. Properly configuring the controller and following the manufacturer’s instructions will help ensure reliable operation and prevent potential issues.

Lampu Strip LED Beralamat SPI dengan Saluran Data Saja

Ensure the data wire is connected securely to the controller. This setup allows for basic control of addressable LEDs. It lets you make custom lighting effects. Properly securing the data wire and following the wiring diagram will help ensure reliable operation and prevent potential issues.

SPI Addressable LED Strip With Data Wire Only Connection Diagram

Lampu Strip LED Beralamat SPI dengan Saluran Data dan Jam

Connect both data and clock wires to the controller, ensuring secure connections. This setup allows for more precise control of the addressable LEDs, enabling complex lighting effects and patterns. Properly configuring the controller and following the manufacturer’s instructions will help ensure reliable operation and prevent potential issues.

SPI Addressable LED Strip With Data And Clock Wire Connection Diagram

Lampu Strip LED Beralamat SPI dengan Saluran Data dan Data Cadangan

Follow the wiring diagram to connect data, clock, and backup data wires to the controller. This configuration provides redundancy, ensuring reliable operation even if one data channel fails. Securing all connections properly is key. Following the manufacturer’s instructions will help. It ensures reliable operation and prevents potential issues.

SPI Addressable LED Strip With Data And Backup Data Wire Connection Wiring Diagram

Cara Menyambungkan Lampu Strip LED Beralamat DMX512

Use a DMX512 decoder for addressable strips. Follow the wiring diagram for proper installation. DMX512 decoders provide precise control over each LED, enabling complex lighting effects and patterns. This setup is commonly used in professional lighting applications, such as stage lighting and architectural lighting. Ensure the DMX512 decoder is set up right. Connect it to the DMX controller. This is key for top performance.

DMX512 LED Strip Wiring Diagram

Pertanyaan Umum

  • How are strip LEDs wired?
  • For each segment, the LEDs are wired in series, which means the operating voltages are added up, giving the higher voltage needed. All segments are wired in parallel, so they receive the same voltage, but the current draw increases with the length of the strip. Understanding this wiring method helps maintain consistent brightness and prevents issues such as uneven lighting or flickering.
  • What are the colors of the wires on LED light strips?
  • RGB strip light has a 4-wire connection: green, red, blue for the LEDs, and black/white for the common +12V connection. Properly matching these wires to the corresponding terminals on the controller or power supply ensures correct operation and color mixing.
  • What are 4 wires in LED strip light?
  • For RGB strips, you need 4 wires: one neutral (yellow) and the rest control the 3 LED colors (Red, Green, Blue). Connecting these wires correctly ensures proper color control and operation of the strip.
  • How many wires for an LED strip?
  • The RGBW LED strip has five wires: red, green, blue, white, and positive. Connect the LED light strip to the corresponding mark on the RGBW LED light controller. Ensuring all connections are secure and following the wiring diagram provided by the manufacturer will help prevent potential issues and ensure reliable operation.


Wiring LED strip lights don’t have to be intimidating. With this guide, you now have the knowledge to tackle various types of LED strip lights, ensuring a successful and safe installation. Happy lighting!


Memilih driver LED dimmable bebas kedip yang sesuai sangat penting untuk mengoptimalkan pencahayaan Anda, sehingga meningkatkan kesehatan dan kenyamanan Anda secara keseluruhan. Tidak adanya kedipan sangat penting untuk tingkat kenyamanan yang dirasakan di dalam ruang keluarga Anda.

Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membahas aspek-aspek berikut ini untuk memandu Anda dalam memilih Driver LED peredupan bebas kerlipan yang ideal:

Kami akan mengeksplorasi fitur-fitur penting seperti spesifikasi, kompatibilitas, dan efisiensi untuk menghindari kerlipan dalam pencahayaan. Selain itu, kami akan membahas pentingnya frekuensi PWM Tinggi untuk mencapai hasil bebas kedipan pada seri Driver LED yang dapat diredupkan.

Beli Driver LED yang Dapat Diredupkan dari boqi
Mendapatkan informasi tentang penyebab umum kedipan cahaya sangat penting, tetapi tugas memilih driver LED yang dapat diredupkan yang sesuai masih ada di tangan. Untuk mewujudkan efek pencahayaan dan peredupan yang diinginkan, bekerja sama dengan produsen driver LED terkemuka sangatlah penting. boqi menonjol sebagai produsen driver LED yang dapat diredupkan yang terkenal, menawarkan rangkaian bebas kedipan, peredup, dan pengontrol. Rangkaian produknya meliputi driver, dimmer, dan pengontrol LED TRIAC, 0-10V, dan DALI.

Driver dan peredup LED TRAIC 0-10V DALI yang dapat diredupkan
boqi TRAIC 0-10V DALI dimmable LED Drivers dan dimmer DALI

Beroperasi dengan basis manufaktur di Tiongkok, perusahaan ini selaras dengan kebutuhan dan spesifikasi yang berbeda dari pelanggannya. Untuk pertanyaan mengenai kebutuhan driver atau pengontrol LED Anda, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami, agar kami dapat membantu Anda dalam menyempurnakan pilihan Anda.

Minta Penawaran untuk Proyek Pencahayaan Anda!

Layanan 7/24 Jam, kami akan selalu kembali kepada Anda secepat mungkin, dan tidak lebih dari 12 jam setelah menerima pesan Anda. Jika ada pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami segera. 

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